Well Hello there…

Got a question or query? Feel free to drop me a message using this form. I’m here to help!

13 + 2 =

Let me be your anchor, guiding you towards a thriving yoga or pilates business that lights you up!

Ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start thriving? Complete the form and I will come back to you within 24 hours for you to select a date and time to book a free 30 minute clarity call.

P.S. Spots are limited, so don’t wait and the sooner you start, the sooner you can stop feeling lost at sea and start building your dream.


Q. How long are mentoring sessions?

A. 60 minutes per session.

Q. What are the options for working with you?

I understand wanting deeper support, so when you complete the form you can choose from one of the below options.

  • 4-week program – £350 investment: Enjoy consistent support and accountability through 4 mentoring sessions.
  • 12-week program – £1,000 investment: This includes 12 mentoring sessions and ongoing support between sessions via Slack (Monday – Thursday). This allows for ongoing questions, check-ins, and tailored advice to keep you moving forward.
Q: Can I reach out to you between our mentoring sessions?

A. While I’m not available for ongoing support outside our scheduled sessions (unless we are working together for 12 weeks), I can definitely help you make the most of them! 48 hours before each session, feel free to send me an agenda outlining the topics you’d like to discuss. That way, I can come prepared with relevant insights and resources, ensuring our time together is as productive and valuable as possible.

Q. Outside of the mentoring sessions, is there anything else I will receive?

A. You will receive Click Up templates that I use in my business to support you with planning and organising key activities in your business.

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